I use to hear people say that, and they would say it to me too. I would dismiss them saying "you have more willpower than me".. I never thought I would be one of those people who actually says "if I can do it so can you"
But seriously - if I can change my lifestyle, eat healthy and loose weight then ANYONE can... This is a person who thought nothing about ordering Dominios pizza, eating the whole thing in one sitting and plus the garlic bread as well... now I really don't know if I could have two pieces.
I got a Casear salad from McDonalds last night - I really felt ill afterwards... I even did some yoga moves from the Wii because I felt bloated and just not right. It really is amazing what you can accomplish and how your body can change in just a few weeks.
7 weeks ago today I started Weight Watchers, and I can actually tell you that my life has turned a corner. I had low self esteem, pretty much hated myself and thought everyone was judging me and talking about me. Now - just 7 weeks later, I am 6kg lighter and I have found a new confidence.

This is me in November in the UK.. I am using this photo as my "Before" photo.. I know I have a long way to go before I reach my goal but that is the destination and with any destination, you have to embark on a journey.. Weight Watchers is that journey - its not just about losing the weight, its about having the tools to maintain that weight loss and thats what I am learning. I have eaten more veges in the last week than I think I ever have in my life but I feel good for it and thats what counts.
I am so glad to be on this journey with two awesome chicks Adele & Mell who motivate me, share awesome tricks with me and we have a bloody good laugh as we go. Its been really awesome having people cheering me on. I think that is the problem a lot - you try to do thes things on your own but really you need that support. I have told most people at work what I am doing and they are encouraging me, withholding mornings tea cupcakes from me and really just being there helping me when I get discouraging and prasing me when I do well.
Like I said, this is a journey and I haven't even reached the first stop over yet. I have a long way to go but I really hope that I learn a lot in the process - not just about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but also about myself. I have never been "skinny" so I really don't know what it holds for me once I get there - its a completely different path that I have found myself on and it scares me but excites me too...