Oh wait, yes it is!!
I seem to constantly have pc issues at home. For some reason (ok I know the reason but I am trying to make people feel sorry for me) my data usage has gone over my monthly limit and there is still 14 days left in the month - believe me I am counting!!!
As a result of this.. my internet is running EXTREMELY slow... you really take some things for granted and when they are taken away from you, you realise how much you rely on them. I know that in grand scheme of things slow internet is really not a life threatening problem but hey - I live in a developed country, there are just certain things you become accustomed to!
Ok so not only that but my pc has decided to restore itself to an earlier point - meaning that I cannot now access my games. Having slow internet was slightly easier to bear because I had games on my pc that I could play... but no now they have gone away too and I can't download the game manager because the bloody internet is too slow and it keeps crashing out! Not only that by my Norton has decided it doesn't want to play anymore either... seriously - it is never just one thing is it...
I know, I know... these things might not seem important to others, but to me they are. Everything in perspective right!! I mean, I don't have a partner or kids or commitments other than work to occupy my time.. I need to have some kind of an outlet right? I am even getting to the point when I might just have to load up Age of Empires again... yes I am getting that desperate!!! Luckily I do have internet at work so I can use that - one of highlights of working on a public holiday is being able to hang around and use the internet to play my FB games - I think I am beginning to sound more & more like a geek!
I think I should go and do something more constructive before I really give away all my sad secrets :)