Sunday, August 8, 2010

Holy Guacamole Batman!

Can you believe it!?!?!?!?!? Now only 84 sleeps to go! Time is going so quickly.

And only 24 sleeps till I go home to Chch for my mummys 80's birthday! We are also having a family reunion too - looks like everyone but Laura will be there. Massive day coming up!! We are having an afternoon tea for her, I can't wait! It will be a really lovely day I think.

Then the UK!! Wow, coming up so quickly.. I am getting a little anxious - you always get so excited about a trip and then it comes and somehow it doesn't live up to your expectations, then its over before you know it... I am really trying not to have a lot of expectations but I think because I have never been there, its easier not to have great expectations....

So the plans - they have changed a bit since the last time I wrote about them

31/10/10 - 10/11/10 - London
10/11/10 - 16/11/10 - Exeter, Devon
16/11/10 - 17/11/10 - Christchurch, Dorset
17/11/10 - 18/11/10 - London
18/11/10 - 21/11/10 - Paris

Woohoo.... not long now :)

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