Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm From Christchurch, The Place Of My Birth.....

After having lived in Brisbane, Australia for nearly 10 years there is one thing I have learnt... I am and will always be a Kiwi.

I actually think I am more proud to come from NZ than I was when I first moved to Australia.  I know there are Kiwis that come to Australia and, whilst not denounce NZ, but don't have any plans to go back.  I for one, staying planning going back to NZ I think the minute I arrived.  It became clear to me in so many ways that I would not live in Australia forever and there would come a day where I would move back to my beloved Christchurch.

Being from NZ is one thing, but being from Christchurch is a whole other thing.  I have said many times that I am a Cantabrian first and a Kiwi second.  I am so fiercely proud of Canterbury and Christchurch that I was very surprised recently when I had a blood test and the blood wasn't Red & Black!

I do actually plan to move back to Chch within the next 3 years.  I have already decided that 5th September 2014 will be my last day of work.  Then I plan to do some travelling before heading back to Chch about January 2015.  A lot of people say to me "What's the point of going back to Chch?".  I know that the city is in the process of rebuilding and I think that in two years time it will be in a much better place job wise it is now.  I am realistic about it too.  I know there might not be my perfect job there, but I am happy temping until something comes up.  The one thing that does scare me is that by then I will be 42 years old - I know it's not 'old' in the general sense, but when looking for a job, it's not the best age.  Like I said tho, I am happy temping for a while until something better comes up.  Two out of my 3 jobs came temping so I am not too worried at this stage.

Now, I'm not saying that Australia is ALL bad!!  I have made friends here that will last a life time and made memories that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else.  I have had the opportunity to work with a decent bunch of people, and in a very cruisy job considering.  I have been able to do some travelling around the country and the world and been able to afford to live on my own.  But another thing I have come to realise is that money isn't everything and doesn't guarantee you happiness.  That's not saying I make lots of money - just more than I know I would make in NZ.

I have realised that no matter where I am, I have to be happy and I don't think I will ever truly be happy in Australia.  I am content but that is not the same as being happy.  Every time I visit home I find it so hard to leave again and there is a massive part of me that wants to say "No, that's it.. I am not going back to Brisbane".

At this present time, the thing that is keeping me going is knowing that I have made the decision to leave and that I have put the plan into motion.  The two years are going to be a massive upheaval for me as I make my dream a reality but you know what, I am looking forward to it so much.  I really can't wait to get back to my home.

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