Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The end is nigh...

The end of the month that it. So as January comes to a close how many New Years Resolutions have you broken?

I think I am doing ok:
  1. I wanted to be more creative - check.. journal coming along nicely. If I keep this up I will need a new journal every couple of months! Plus I am addicted to finding cool printables online at the moment... p.s I love that I have a colour printer at work!!!
  2. I wanted to travel more - check.. one trip being paid off as we speak and another one definitely in the works. I have never been to a tropical island before (no Tasmania doesn't count!) and this year I will be heading to Noumea, Lifou, Vanuatu & Hawaii!! Plus a possibility of a side trip to Sin City - Vegas... think that's on track
  3. Lose weigh - ok so I haven't exactly broken that... I have lost a kg! But then again I am not really doing anything towards that either so I haven't actually broken that one - it's just kind of stalled.
For someone who doesn't actually like the whole concept of making New Years Resolutions, I think I am actually doing a pretty good job of keeping the ones I did make.

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